2018 Who We Are ~ Summative Assessment

Transdisciplinary Theme: Who We Are

Central Idea: Decision making is optimized through the evaluation of data.

Sixth Graders were given the task of choosing a problem that they noticed around Discovery School and coming up with a solution to help improve that problem.  After discussing several issues they noticed around the school, the class ultimately decided to focus on the issue of kids slipping on the hill that leads up to the pond in the woods. Following what we previously learned about the scientific method, students researched the problem by collecting information via classroom visits (see graph). After measuring the K through 2nd-grade students and determining their mean (average) height, we used a ratio of rail height-to-person height (3:5) to determine the height we should use for the bottom portion of the rope rail. Students then researched and voted on a design they thought would be effective. Friday students worked together to build the rail. In the coming weeks, students will collect information to make a conclusion on the effectiveness of their solution.

Awesome job everyone! I’m really proud of all of your hard work.  🙂

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