Learning The Art of “Letting Go” Through Sand Mandalas

We began our journey of exploring world religions by creating sand mandalas. Sand Mandalas require a great deal of concentration and patience on the part of the artist.  Mandalas are used in many different cultures and religions. Perhaps, the most commonly known are those of Buddhist monks who create very intricate sand mandalas, only to then release them into the wind or into the water.  The act of destroying the artwork signifies the act of letting go of material possession and personal importance.  After hours of making these intricate designs, students then had to swirl their sands together, combining the separate lines of colored sand they had so carefully put into place, and then releasing their sand into the wind.  This was difficult for some students who had really put a great deal of effort into creating these beautiful pieces of art.  Fortunately they are preserved through pictures, which is something that typically does not occur in many of the cultures that practice the use of making mandalas for spiritual meditation and individual growth.


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